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Danburite from Charcas, San Luis Potosi, Mexico

Danburite is a calcium borosilicate (CaB2Si2O8) that was first discovered in Danbury, Connecticut. Guess how danburite got its name. This mineral has a Mohs' hardness of 7-7.5 and is normally colorless to very light pink in color. It has been found in the USA, Bolivia, CIR, Japan, Germany, Switzerland, and Mexico. The Charcas Mineral District in the state of San Luis Potosi was discovered in 1574 and has been worked ever since for lead, zinc, copper and silver. The metal ore deposits are found in veins along faults in shaly limestone, volcanics, and monzonites. Associated with these ore deposits are gemmy crystals of danburite such as those shown below. Some of the crystals get quite large, but it is the smaller crystals that contain gemmy sections suitable for cutting into gemstones.

danburite danbur